Whiskey Tango Kitchen Trailer: Pop Up RV Kitchen

Anyone who tailgates or has in years past will find this RV kitchen trailer mod to be quite impressive. A talented craftsman with one heck of an imagination named Jonny  modified an aging  pop up camper into a mobile RV kitchen trailer which he named “Whiskey Tango”. Jonny tends to camp with large groups of…

RV Mod: One of a Kind RV Dinette Table

The RV dinette is one of the most underused areas of many RV’s. They tend to be a poor use of space and are not ideal for many activities. This custom RV mod on the RV dinette area of the Monaco Executive was designed from the beginning to make the RV dinette area more functional…

Convertible RV Bunk Bed Transformer – Unique RV Furniture

We hear from many people looking for a more functional use for RV bunk bed space for possibly more sitting area or office. Other times its may be just a more functional RV sofa. This unique RV bunk bed transformer moves from a comfy RV sofa and within seconds becomes a RV bunk bed for…


RV Bathroom Storage Ideas: Coiled Cords and Appliances

PVC pipe sections hold cords on the inside of a bathroom cabinet door Sometimes RV Mods are almost too simple. This RV bathroom mod for coiled cords and appliances absolutely qualifies. Take standard 1″- 4″ PVC, cut them into smaller pieces, and fasten them to the inside of your RV bathroom…

RV Walls Converted with Flow Wall Jayco Eagle

We are always looking for new ways to conveniently store our items in the RV. After seeing the Flow Wall it was clear this is something that many of our readers would find interesting. The good news is a pair of full timers named Jacq and Jeremy have already discovered this unique storage system and…

Homemade washing machine

DIY RV: Home Made Clothes Washer

It wasn’t so long ago that the only option people had to keep their clothes clean was a homemade washing machine. Though no longer necessary to wash clothes by hand, the DIY RV crowd tends to enjoy the cost-effectiveness and gratification of building something on their own. This simple DIY RV home made clothes washer can…