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RVers Beware: Wildlife To Be Cautious Of This Fall

wildlife to be cautious of

What Wildlife Should Campers Be Cautious Of This Fall?

Autumn is a mesmerizing time of year. The vibrant tapestry of leaves offers a visual treat for anyone, especially RVers, who often have a front-row seat to nature’s grand display. However, as the landscape changes, so does the behavior of wildlife. For RVers traveling during the fall season, it’s vital to be cautious of the potential hazards posed by wildlife and take precautions accordingly.

1. Bears

Why they are a concern: As winter approaches, bears enter a phase called hyperphagia. This means they’re foraging as much as they can to build fat reserves for hibernation. Encounters with bears are more common in the fall as they might wander closer to human habitats looking for food.


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  • Store all food securely inside the RV or in bear-proof containers.
  • Clean grills or stoves thoroughly after use.
  • Avoid leaving pet food outside.
  • Carry bear spray when hiking and learn how to use it.
  • Familiarize yourself with the types of bears in the area and how to react during encounters.

2. Deer and Elk

Why they are a concern: Fall marks the mating season, or rut, for deer and elk. Males can be more aggressive during this time. Furthermore, these animals often cross roads, leading to collisions.


  • Drive cautiously, especially during dawn and dusk when deer are most active.
  • Look for warning signs indicating deer or elk crossings.
  • Use high beams at night when possible to spot animals.
  • If you see one deer, expect others—they often travel in groups.
  • In case of a potential collision, avoid swerving, as this may cause more damage or injury.

3. Moose

Why they are a concern: Like deer, moose are more active during their mating season in the fall. Their massive size means a collision can be fatal.


  • Stick to speed limits, especially in moose-populated areas.
  • Watch out for shiny eyes on the road at night—a telltale sign of a moose.
  • If you encounter a moose on foot, give it plenty of space and avoid getting between a mother and her calf.

4. Snakes

Why they are a concern: Some snake species become more active during the fall as they prepare for hibernation. While many snakes are harmless, some, like rattlesnakes, can pose a significant threat.


  • Stay on designated paths when hiking.
  • Be cautious when stepping over logs or rocks, and never put your hand where you can’t see.
  • Wear closed, high-ankle footwear and thick socks.
  • Familiarize yourself with local snake species to differentiate between venomous and non-venomous varieties.

5. Wasps and Bees

Why they are a concern: Many species of wasps and bees become more aggressive as they prepare for winter. An RV can seem like an attractive shelter for them.


  • Keep windows and vents covered with screens.
  • Avoid wearing strong fragrances that attract wasps or bees.
  • If you notice a nest on or near your RV, do not attempt to remove it yourself. Consult local experts or pest control services.

6. Rodents

Why they are a concern: As the temperatures drop, rodents like mice, rats, and squirrels seek warmer shelters, and an RV might be just the place they’re looking for.


  • Seal potential entry points to your RV.
  • Avoid leaving food out in the open.
  • Use natural repellents or consider ultrasonic repellents to deter these creatures.

7. Wolves and Coyotes

Why they are a concern: Fall is when many canid species start preparing for winter, making them more active. While attacks on humans are rare, pets can be at risk.


  • Keep pets on a leash and avoid leaving them outside unattended at night.
  • Store food securely.
  • If you encounter a wolf or coyote, make yourself appear larger, maintain eye contact, and back away slowly.


Traveling in an RV during the fall offers a unique opportunity to connect with nature. However, being in the wilderness means sharing space with its inhabitants. By staying informed and taking necessary precautions, RVers can ensure their safety and that of the wildlife they encounter. Respecting wildlife and understanding their behavior not only protects RVers but also ensures that these magnificent creatures can continue to thrive in their natural habitats.

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